The All-Connecticut
Reliability Contest
May 19 - 21, 1910
Also on this page are pictures and accounts of two other events
from 1910:
the Good Roads Tour between
New York and Atlanta,
as well as the Brooklyn Reliability
both of which feature Columbia Cars in
Official Capacities and as winners!

This Pilot Car was a six-cylinder experimental Columbia
driven by its designer, Charles E. Reddig.
Another close-up photo appears farther down on this webpage.

As this material (above) shows, 1910 was a very good year for the
Columbia cars,
and it continued with the Atlanta-to-New York Good Roads Tour
which is presented later on this webpage.
The previous year (1909), the Connecticut event included three
Columbia cars, but they did not fare nearly as well . . . . .

* *
* *
York Herald - Atlanta Journal
Good Roads Tour of June, 1910.
A Columbia car was the "pathfinder" from New York to Atlanta.
Then, another Columbia was one of
"official cars"
(the pacemaker, driven by G.M.
during the contest run from Atlanta to New York,
in which three additional Columbia
participated, and one won
Here are some articles
about this adventure.

Next, another account
from a different auto magazine.

* *
* *
G.M. Wagner also took part in the
Brooklyn Reliability Contest of
August, 1910,
and won the Kingsley Swan Trophy!
Another Columbia (driven by I.C. Kirkman)
also completed the run with a perfect score!

The following account was originally laid out in the magazine
on two facing pages, but is placed here with one page above the other.
Note that it has inaccuracies with the names of the drivers
of #25 Maxwell, and #21 Columbia.

Return to the previous Columbia page