The Catskill-Berkshire Tour of 1909,
the Port Jefferson Hill Climb of 1910, with
the Columbia Cars driven by J. R. Kirkpatrick.
Then several other Columbia items featuring John J. Coffey.

Next, a few Columbia
Car items involving John J. Coffey.
Coffey was born in Hartford on July 19, 1883. He was a tester for
bikes, and then cars. He was hired in 1903 and started testing in
His career was damaged by a court case over his driving in the summer
of 1910.
Coffey was cleared, but cut back on his racing and testing activities,
and quit shortly after participating in the 1911 Indianapolis
He moved to New York, and it is unknown what became of him after that.
The following items all date from May-June of 1909.
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